
Do you want to take your private practice, clinical work, or personal life to the next level?

Something that World Class Athletes, Musicians, and CEOs have long known is the value of getting someone to support them to reach their full potential. It’s ironic how much time we as therapists spend helping others with this, yet how little we do this for ourselves!

Clinical Consultation Boston

I can help you in areas including:

Private Practice/ Business Coach

Is your business running the way you’d like it to? Are you finding it rewarding intellectually, emotionally, and financially? Are your needs changing over time, or are you looking to upgrade?

Most formal education for therapists doesn’t spent adequate time on how to run a successful small business. Let Dr. Levy help you learn through his own process of discovery.

Private Practice Coach Dr Levy Boston

Clinical Consultation

Do you have some challenging clients where you could benefit from talking with someone about them? You can talk about your most challenging to your most straight forward and get useful reflections and insights on how to better support them.

Personal Work

Therapist tend to deepen their effectiveness with clients when they are doing their own personal work. This may including: growing or softening their boundaries, understanding their own needs more and how to ask for them, and continuing to improve their communication skills and assertiveness.

Personal Work

These services can be done in person or on the phone. While some at first are hesitant with the idea of using the phone, most enjoy the comfort and convenience, making it much easier to fit into a work day!

Contact Dr. Levy now to schedule a free 30 Minute Consultation!